
Posts Tagged ‘cherry wood’

Craft nights are exciting and bring magic to the world! This Mabon, 2014 the activity was broom or besom making. A good Friday activity, September 19, and easy enough skill, it doesn’t take much to make up a nice besom for ritual, cleansing, and protecting the home. A traditional tool of witches and even some Gods, like Ganesh, the witch’s besom is used to energetically clean an area by sweeping the astral energies out of the room. Most brooms are not built by witches to endure the physical act of sweeping, but are swept slightly off the floor. You can also lean them against a door post or hang about a door frame to protect your home.

Thanks to some pruning last fall, 2013, President Muad’Dib had a supply of staff wood to choose from. Ultimately cherry was the wood of choice. Grass from the garden was magically harvested and used for the bristles. Yarn was use to tie the bundles and secure it to the staff. After only an hour or so, *Boom* there’s a new broom!

Mabon Crafting 2014, Making Besoms, staffs and grass ingredients, Friday, September 19, 2014, Salt Lake City, UT

Mabon Crafting 2014, tied grass bundles, Friday, September 19, 2014, Salt Lake City, UT

Mabon Crafting 2014, Muad’Dib with newly made Cherry wood besom (broom), Friday, September 19, 2014, Salt Lake City, UT

Mabon Crafting 2014 Muad’Dib (l) and Piggy with newly made Cherry wood besoms (brooms) Friday, September 19, 2014, Salt Lake City, UT

Mabon Crafting 2014, Piggy, Friday, September 19, 2014, Salt Lake City, UT

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