
Posts Tagged ‘juniper’

Each fall brings many opportunities to craft! Magical crafting is one of our favorite activities at SLPS. Each year SLPS gathers sacred sagebrush to make smudge sticks, magical wands, and other crafts with. This year SLPS gathered on the fall equinox, Mabon on Wednesday, September 23, 2015. A little known spot in Big Cottonwood Canyon contains all the sage needed to make smudge sticks for years to come! The little leafed Artemisia Tridentata in Utah is a different variety than the broad leafed of California found in most shops. The little leafed grows all over the North American West. This small leafed kind is even more powerful than the broader leaf, and smells sweeter. Having gathered it ourselves, SLPSĀ can charge the sticks with love, protection, and power.

Magical Ingredient Gathering 2015, sagebrush, Wednesday, September 23, 2015, Big Cottonwood Canyon, UT

Magical Ingredient Gathering 2015, Piggy and Tanya Thorton (r) picking sagebrush, Wednesday, September 23, 2015, Big Cottonwood Canyon, UT

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Magical Ingredient Gathering 2015, Woman Between the Wolves picking sagebrush, Wednesday, September 23, 2015, Big Cottonwood Canyon, UT

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Magical Ingredient Gathering 2015, Muad’Dib, Wednesday, September 23, 2015, Big Cottonwood Canyon, UT

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Magical Ingredient Gathering 2015, Mabon Sage Smudge Sticks, rolling smudge sticks with juniper and mullein, Wednesday, September 23, 2015, Big Cottonwood Canyon, UT

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