
Posts Tagged ‘Earth Day 2011’

Thanks to everyone to attended this year’s Earth and Arbor Day ritual and gratitude ceremony.  This past Friday, April 29, 2011 at 4pm, members of UUPS met at President Muad’Dib’s House to perform a gratitude ceremony and druid tree blessings as part of honoring Gaia and giving thanks for all they have received. Member Sarah Cochran even brought along her Bast Goddess Statue to give praise to the Egypt Queen and lover of Cats! All deities were welcome. After the ceremony, the members walked outside to bless a newly planted apple tree. President Muad’Dib performed the tree blessing from the Ancient Order of Druids in America tree blessing rite. This invoke Nwyfre, the fire of life to come and attend that place where the tree is, give it strength health and life, and drawing the invoking and evoking rays of light from Awen to merge at the center where the new tree was planted. Blessed Holy Water sealed the blessing and the members went back inside for refreshments.

Earth Day Ceremony,  Gratitude altar to Gaia, Muad’Dib, April 29, 2011, Salt Lake City, UT

Earth Day Ceremony, Gratitude altar to Gaia, Sarah Cochran, April 29, 2011, Salt Lake City, UT

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