
Posts Tagged ‘child’

December and Yule

Hi folks,

once again, with the turn of the month, the turning of the great wheel, we come to the Yule season. The God is soon to be reborn by the Goddess!. This month has slowed down, we are in the planning stages for the upcoming year. We are taking a big breath in this month and relaxing.

Student Groups:

We are working with SLCC to form a group there. We are going over the paper work and examing what exactly needs to happen. If anyone is interested, please email UUPS!

Book of the Month:

We have had an ongoing book of the month since last fall. This months book is
Pagan Christmas: The Plants, Spirits, and Rituals at the Origins of Yuletide by Christian Rätsch and Claudia Müller-Ebeling.

If anyone is without a place to go for Christmas, they may come to my house on Friday and enjoy some dinner and festivities! Please send me an email through UUPS

Bright Blessings

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